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tv   Fox 5 News at Ten  FOX  December 30, 2012 10:00pm-11:00pm EST

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we got to win this championship. >> these are the games you'll remember the rest of your life. win or go home. >> win or go home. the redskins are in the middle of a do or die game against the
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cowboys. the prize, a first class ticket to the playoffs. thank you for joining us. i'm maureen umeh. the redskins are neck and neck with the cowboys. the score is 7-7 at half time. fans are hoping the skins will come into the second half dominating. we are out live covering the game. audrey barnes is live in northwest with fans who are hailing their team hopefully to victory. audrey? >> reporter: this place is packed with redskins fans. when alfred morris scored a touchdown to tie the score, the noise in here, the fans were so excited. over at the field before the game there were plenty of people there getting in one more tailgate. they're all hoping this will not be the last game they get
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to cheer on their team. >> rg3, rg3! >> reporter: you would be hard pressed to find a more exciting group of fans. >> they flew home from germany to spend the holiday with us. >> reporter: and tomorrow is colby's 27th birthday. >> what's it like to celebrate your birthday at a playoff game like this? >> surreal feeling. it's great. to be here with the family and everybody. such a great game tonight. looking forward to a great victory. >> happy birthday to you, happy birthday to you! >> reporter: also in the group, gary, who was 45 today. >> do you think you'll get that birthday gift? >> i'm hoping they win at 12:00 so we both get the gift. >> reporter: the whole season has been a tasty gift for this ticket holder, who says he would have fired up the grill in the middle of a snowstorm for this game. >> i've been a season ticket holder six years, after being
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on the waiting list 16 years. so it's starting to pay off and see good games here. >> oh, yeah, i got a big enough coat. >> reporter: as he warmed up around the fire, earl barbie thanks the cold snap favors the skins over the cowboys. >> we're used to the cold. they're not used to that. they're in that warm weather, nice, in the dome and everything. this is going to make -- this will determine the season right here. >> reporter: these fans have something in common. they're already thinking about winning it all. >> [inaudible]. >> reporter: hopefully in a little bit we'll find out if colby and the rest of these fans will have plenty more to cheer about after the game is over. >> let's hope we do. meanwhile, metro is staying
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open late. trains will run an extra hour tonight. fans leaving the field will have service from the morgan boulevard station. riders can make connections to other lines, too. entrances at other metro stations will close at their normal times. as if fans needed another reason to support the burgundy and gold, when and if they make it into the playoffs it could mean a big boost for the local economy. officials in prince george's county says the team contributes tax revenues from the game and income tax revenues from employees at the field. local businesses are raking in the cash. lauren demarco has the story. >> reporter: each time the redskins play at home, prince george's county brings in approximately half a million dollars in direct revenue. the executive director of the county's conference and visitor's bureau says what really matters is fan attendance. >> there is a 10% admission tax on tickets told.
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>> reporter: then the out of towners. >> 5% county hotel tax. so that will contribute as well. >> reporter: along with the direct revenue coming into the local government, many of the businesses here in prince george's county also reap the benefits during game time. >> loaded up, got our subs and everything like that. plenty of beer. >> reporter: rg3's jersey is selling the most. >> which jersey do you want? >> rg3. >> reporter: it's hard to keep up with demand. >> rg3 jerseys. we have some women seizes left and kids. >> reporter: winter hats sold out. >> you have this coveted hat. they're sold out here.
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>> i had it since the first day it came out. i got first. nobody else don't have it. i got it first. >> reporter: in the county, officials include an anticipated amount of revenue for the regular season their budget forecast. any additional from post games? >> that's a bonus. >> reporter: chris and heather are staying at the nearby radisson. >> if they get to the playoffs you'll come back? >> absolutely. if there's a home game we've signed up for the lottery or whatever. >> got our tickets ready. paid for. >> reporter: in prince george's county, lauren demarco, fox 5 news. >> prince george's county officials say all the tax revenue collected from the game goes into the general fund and used on education, public safety and transportation. we asked our facebook fans what they were doing for the game tonight. decorating the house burgundy and gold and cheering for robert. she's of course referring to
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robert griffin iii. here's one, i am not a crazy fan, but i love the way they bring such joy to the dmv. stay with fox 5 for continuing coverage. coming up in a half hour, scott smith will join us live from fed ex field with an update. and he'll join us immediately following the game for all the highlights and a recap. fans at fed ex are dealing with gusty winds tonight. gary mcgrady joins us. >> thanks a lot, maureen. i think the winds have calmed down quite a bit, which is the good news. they're not gusting like they were earlier. they were gusting up to about 40 miles per hour. we even had gusts today that were up to 50 miles per hour
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across the area. temperature has cooled down. 33degrees in the city. probably pretty much the same at fed ex. gaithersburg into the 20s. frederick now down at 30 degrees. most places at or below freezing. overnight tonight temperatures will drop. the winds have come down a little bit. yes, there's a windchill factor. but it's not much different than what the actual temperature is. feels like about 25 degrees or so here in washington. obviously 52 degrees in annapolis is wishful thinking. that's an error there on the computer's part. clearing skies overnight tonight will be very cold. down to about 27 degrees tonight here in town. but outside of town, out in the suburbs, overnight tonight talking about temperatures getting down into the teens. really, really cold. one of the coldest nights we've had so far this season, maureen, and it looks like this cold stuff is around to stay. let me just -- there's still a
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snowflake in the forecast for new year's day. we'll talk about new year's eve and day coming up. sounds good, thank you. coming up, no deal. after another day of failed negotiations on capitol hill, we are nearing the one-day mark of the fiscal cliff. we have an update on where things stand, plus our analyst, mark plotkin, weighs in. >> later, parents can breathe a sigh of relief. finally a social networking site that is kid friendly. those stories and more coming up on the news at 10:00. 
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new tonight, secretary of state hillary clinton is in a new york hospital tonight, after doctors discovered a blood clot. it stems from a concussion she suffered earlier this month. doctors found the clot during a follow-up exam. she'll remain in the hospital the next 48 hours so doctors
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can monitor her medication. the looming fiscal cliff, lawmakers on capitol hill today, leaders say no deal is in sight. >> happy new year. >> reporter: the house and senate back to work for a rare sunday session, trying to figure out the fiscal cliff negotiations. a lot of talk. very few solutions so far. >> our membership is as frustrated as the american people we're sworn to serve. >> none of the votes we'll be casting today have nothing to do with the deadlines we face in slightly more than 24 hours. we're here, we're ready. >> reporter: president obama sitting down for his first sunday morning talk show interview in over three years told nbc it's time for lawmakers to nail down a deal. >> we don't yet see an agreement, and now the pressure is on congress to produce.
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>> reporter: republicans and democrats going back and forth behind closed doors, working through the night, trying to avoid some of the most painful tax hikes and spending cuts in our nation's history. >> there's still significant distance between the two sides. but negotiations continue. >> reporter: a possible sign of progress came when vice president joe biden rushed back from delaware to the white house to work the phones and reach out to republican senator mitch mcconnell, who he's worked with on many deals over the years. >> we're willing to work with whoever, whoever can help. no single issue that remains an impossible sticking point. >> reporter: if these talks fail overnight, senate majority leader harry reid says he'll push a white house fall back bill, raising taxes only on families making over $250,000 a year, and also extend unemployment benefits for 2 million americans, that could face an up or down vote in monday's session. >> we're going to come in 11:00 a.m.
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tomorrow morning, and we'll have further announcements perhaps at 11:00 in the morning. i certainly hope so. >> reporter: so much at stake for your wallet. because if we go off the fiscal cliff, it will be the largest tax increase since world war ii. not to mention the fact that if there's no deal, the markets may react in a very negative way. at the white house, ed henry, fox news. let's bring in fox 5's political analyst mark plotkin for more insight. good to see you. >> good to be here. >> despite the setback, both sides are saying there will be a deal. i'm wondering, is there political theater, and if so, what does it aid? >> i think a deal will be minimal. both parties are concerned that they will look bad. right now polls show that the public holds republicans responsible. but democrats are worried, too. they control the senate and the presidency, and they feel
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they'll be damaged. so maybe this insecurity about their, both their political futures will make for something, a minimal, but at least something. >> president obama was on meet the press this morning, taking his argument to the american public. how effective is this, and one could say shouldn't he be talking to lawmakers directly? >> he did talk to lawmakers before. right now his representative, joe biden, was in the senate for a very long time, is trying to forge a deal with mitch mcconnell. they've had a successful partnership in the past, and harry reid, the majority leader, seems to go along with that. so maybe the outlines of a deal can be between those two principals. then again, we have john boehner, speaker of the house, has to control his own republican party. what happens if mcconnell and biden create a minimal deal and boehner can't sell it, then we're back to square one, which
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is failure. >> right. which boehner couldn't do with his plan b a couple of days ago. >> that's right. >> the question is, if some deal should be reached, i'm not expecting something that's overreaching, something large, is it short-term? >> very short-term. and then i'm sorry to be the dispenser of bad news, we have the whole fiscal cliff again with the fiscal reputation in terms of the borrowing maximum, the ceiling, which will come due in about a month where they have to raise the debt ceiling. you remember the president said, i'm not going to play that game anymore. unfortunately, he's going to play that game. so we'll have crisis number two, even if they solve this mini crisis today, or tomorrow. >> this white house fallback deal that senator reid is talking about pushing, if it comes to that, talk a little bit about this. >> that is the very minimal. what that is is going back to
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what he originally proposed. anybody who makes over $250,000, their taxes will go up. this is something that republicans before didn't agree with and the president actually raised it to $400,000. but now maybe they'll pass that, and the extension of unemployment benefits, 2 million people, lose unemployment benefits. if that should happen, they'll say, wait a second, we capitulated on that to fight for another day, because we just had to produce something. >> okay, so we're hearing from both sides, we're so far apart. deal might be reached. i want to know, and i'm sure folks out there want to know, what really is the sticking point here? you have social security, which the republicans took off the table. >> that's right. goodpoint. >> what is the sticking point now? >> i think the republicans feel that they've conceded that yes, they will tax people $250,000 or more. and so they will be on record for the first time in 20 years increasing taxes. they want something in return.
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what they want in return is something that hurts, and that means if they've taken social security, which you have pointed out, spending decreases, spending limitations, spending restrictions, so they can go back to their conservative people and say, look, we wanted something, we got something, even though we had to raise taxes, even for the most wealthy of people. the real problem, more than anything, we don't have contested seats. these districts are drawn, and republicans are more worried about a challenge from the right in a primary than a general election. you need more contests where people have to come to the middle. i'll be around. >> you sure will. thank you as always. president obama says he'll put his full weight behind a law to prevent gun violence. listen to what he said this
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morning on "meet the press." >> it is not enough to say this is too hard so we're not going to try. i intend to meet with republicans, meet with democrats, i will take to anybody. i think there are a vast majority of responsible gun owners out there who recognize you can't have a situation in which somebody with severe psychological problems is able to get the kind of high capacity weapons that he -- this individual in newtown obtained, and gun down our kids. >> the president says he will put forward a very specific proposal and would like to get through congress in the first year of his new term. the senate has approved a $60.4 billion recovery package for areas affected by superstorm sandy. the bill faces an uncertainty future in the house. >> reporter: there are a couple
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of reasons why the $60.4 billion aid legislation for sandy may languagish in the house. number one, the cost, and number two, the calendar. some lawmakers are uncomfortable with the costly package, with the nation's tight economic situation they might want to scale it back or include cuts elsewhere. here is one gop congressman from south carolina. >> we live in hurricane alley. it may be me next, my district after the next hurricane. we absolutely have to pay for it. it's the right thing to do. we cannot continue to borrow this much money to pay for things that we want but want to pay for out of our tax money. >> reporter: the possible holdup in the house prompted the governors of new jersey, new york and connecticut to send a letter --
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>> reporter: the second difficulty for the house, the calendar. they're running out of time. house gop speaker john boehner, who has signaled he does support some kind of sandy aid, has not decided whether or not to bring it up for a vote in this session of congress, which ends thursday. if they don't vote on it by then, then the bill will expire and the next congress will have to start on it all over again. just ahead, somber weekend in fairfax county, as family and friends mourn the death of a college football player killed friday night. and a horrible accident on the west coast kills at least nine people. we'll have the latest details. >> and tonight is all about the redskins. scott smith join us live with an update on tonight's game. we'll be right back. 
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d.c. police look for the gunman who shot a man to death
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this morning. it happened after midnight. victim has been identified as 23-year-old angelo paine. he was pronounced dead at a nearby hospital. family and friend held a vigil tonight for a college student found dead. they remembered zavier stringfellow, a battlefield grad stabbed to death friday evening in vienna. he was involved in an altercation. his body was found aside a crashed minivan. 22-year-old johnny bonilla has been charged with murder. the two men did not know each other. stringfellow was a sophomore in virginia. we know the name of the woman who died in a row house fire in greenbelt. the blaze displaced five
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people. sports is next. how the early games affected the redskins' playoff responsibility. scott smith and dave ross are up next in sports. 
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welcome to fed ex field. i'm scott smith, where if this season came down to week 17, it will come down to the final quarter. redskins lead 14-7 in what has been a rather slow scoring game. unlike the thanksgiving game that these two met in back in november, obviously it was a 69- point combined effort in that game. 14-7. redskins have taken the lead in the late third quarter. griffin with a nice run to give the go ahead score. it has been a record setting evening for alfred morris.
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passes the franchise season rushing yards total. he also surpasses charlie taylor's rookie touchdown record. 11th in this game. been a great defensive effort by the redskins in this one. two tony romo interceptions. redskins seem to have it on their side this quarter. less than 100 yards passing for rg3. little bit of a weakness in that leg. not running a lot. he did just run in the go ahead score of this game, so we will keep -- keep tuned into the final quarter of play. obviously the crowd, playoff atmosphere here, packed house, as the winner of this game will claim the four seed in the postseason. we've had announcements of the playoff scenario, if the redskins can win this one, they will host seattle next sunday, 4:30. it would be televised here on
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fox 5. of course, a lot of things happened today. we'll bring in dave ross to give us a glimpse. some things we wanted to lose ended up winning. >> that's right, scott. get warm, we'll see you later. the skins would know their fate earlier in the day. there was a scenario where they could have gone to the playoffs before they played the cowboys. bears needing a win at detroit to keeps hopes alive of their own. first quarter, down 3-0. cutler, had him on my fantasy team league. to earl bennett. 60-yard score. bears up 7-3. seven minutes to go. lions down 9. matthew stafford, deficit down to 2. three minutes to go. the bears have a 3rd and 3. cutler looking like rg3, takes
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off, first down and milk the clock from there and win 26-24. all the bears needed to get in was a vikings' loss to the packers and that meant the redskins had to win. adrian peterson. tied 34, and there goes, all day, peterson. 26yards. finishes with 199. 2,096 for the season. still nine shy of the all time mark. next play after that, walsh, a rookie, going to the pro bowl. 29yards. squeaks it in, as time expires. the vikings win, 37-34. the same two teams will meet next saturday in the playoffs. 8:00p.m. at lambeau field. bears are out. >> yeah. >> need the redskins to win and winning now 14-7 in the fourth quarter. >> can i flash forward a little
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bit. they're going to play seattle? hasn't been such good news. >> no, played seattle in 2005 and 2007 and lost both those times. still have to finish this one out. exciting. i've been biting my nails. >> look, mine are gone. no manicure, nothing. >> look better than mine. >> thanks. still ahead, firefighters from across the country are in new york this weekend. they are saying their final goodbyes to first responders killed during a christmas eve ambush. gary? >> cold, cold weather tonight and the next several days, actually. we have a hint of snow in for the new year. don't get excited, though. full forecast is coming up in a bit. stay with us. 
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thousands gathered for a funeral for the firefighters
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killed in the christmas eve ambush attack. police say spengler most likely started the fire intentionally. >> my heart is broken, but i'm thankful for the years we did share. my life is richer because of him. and thanks for the three beautiful children he left us with. i'm honored to have been his wife. >> his have arrested the woman in connection with the deadly ambush, accused of purchasing the guns used in the shooting with the ex-con. she is facing a fine and possible jail time. icy road conditions in oregon being blamed for a deadly tour bus crash. nine dead and dozens injured after the crash this morning on interstate 84. police say it lost control, and crashed into a guard rail and went down a few hundred feet. rescue workers used ropes to
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pull passengers to safety. the bus was carrying about 40 people. gary has your forecast when we return. plus, we introduce you to an 11- year-old mark zuckerburg type who has created a social networking site that's mom and dad approved. the news at 10:00 returns in just minutes. 
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after being banned from face book by his father, a florida boy promises he'll start his own kid friendly web site. and he does. >> reporter: 11-year-old zack wasn't giving up his social media presence, even after his dad shut down his account. >> i made a fake account and friended the same people. >> reporter: his dad found out again, and shut down his internet access. >> i was pretty upset, but i felt like i should be, because he lied to me.
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>> i wish there was a safe site for kids, fun and easy to use. >> reporter: his father said he didn't want him exposed to curse words. he came up with an idea. >> i dared my dad, i'm making my own. >> i said, good luck, figuring it would never happen. guess what? it happened. >> reporter: with his mother's permission, and $2,500 from his older brother, zack drew up the web site and hired a web designer. >> when you first log on, it pops in your mind, the bright colors and all the stuff that we like. >> reporter: like creating a gromatar, and games and videos. zack started by signing up his friend, but it exploded to 7,000 users. >> it kept crashing, because there were so many people. i was real proud. >> reporter: when he jumped on board, he helped design safety controls for the web site, like
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requiring a signed contract and parent registration, and parent notification and approval of friend request. it's monitored for content. >> every kid that gets on our site is a much safer environment, because they're getting information about what is relevant to their world. >> reporter: for now, dad is footing the bill, though he realizes there's business potential. but now, zack is more focused on the reason he invented it in the first place. >> i'm in it to have fun. >> reporter: they're going to talk to interested media companies including disney next year about this web site. which remind me, can i get stock on this? >> we're not going public yet. >> reporter: all right. >> very cute. i'd want stock in that. it might be a good idea. you've got kids, right? >> coming out of my ears. >> have they ever come up with anything that cool?
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>> i'm not sure i got one that would do that. they would still be arguing with me. >> there's still time. >> oh, my god, i can't have it! >> hopefully better weather than we've had in the new year. >> it stays chilly for the next several days. we have a sprinkling of snow, or maybe a little bit of sprinkling for the new year. i don't see major storms coming our way. at least i don't see that now. i see again the continuation of just some pretty cold weather. in terms of the wind gusts today, if you were out there for a time, like you were getting blown away. this did rival the winds we had a couple of days ago. reagan national, peak gust was 49 miles per hour. bwi at 46. dulles 47 miles per hour. great falls, 46 miles per hour. columbia, 47. prince george's county, 51 miles per hour in seat
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pleasant. one of the peak gusts i saw in the entire area. it's 33 now. it's cold. gaithersburg, 28. baltimore, 21. we're still getting this reading from annapolis at 52. you wish, right? i wanted to show you this, because it's been a big part of the day with the wind gusts. really calmed down. still getting i think cumberland just dropped off. leonardtown one of the only gusts, 17 miles per hour. stevensville at 17 miles per hour. all these other winds are beginning to die down tonight. for the most part, i think we're going to have clear skies. there are a few clouds back out to the west of us. i think we'll have to say some clouds overnight tonight. it does look like we're going to have enough of a clear sky and winds to come down that we'll end up with pretty cool temperatures. back to texas again, more rain coming up this way. this will be in the area on new
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year's. probably late tomorrow night, for new year's eve, and then on new year's, it does not look like it's going to bring us a lot in the way of precipitation. and maybe nothing. maybe a sprinkle. maybe a flurry. that's about all we might get from that. future cast tomorrow morning, this is 8:00 a.m., we'll start with a few clouds out there. some sunshine. will be on the cold side, as temperatures will be in the 20s. this is tomorrow as we progress through the day, i think by late in the afternoon, we'll be cloudy to mostly cloudy. limited amounts of sunshine. you can see some snow west of i- 81. but it never really crosses over the mountains. as we get into early morning on tuesday, which is new year's day, you see this right up here. there may be a couple of flakes that come on across early in the morning. we might see a snow shower or two at best. as we progress through new year's day, it looks like most of this moisture coming in from the south and southwest should stay to the south of us.
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just barely to the south of us. again, we're right on that northern edge. i'm going to leave at least a chance for a light shower in. maybe a snowflake. not a lot of sunshine either. because we're going to be on the northern end of that. wednesday looks pretty good. that pushes to the south. we end up with sunshine. will stay chilly. cold tonight. 27 in town. teens in the suburbsful cold, few clouds tomorrow morning. mostly cloudy to cloudy late in the day. new year's eve tomorrow night will be dry. we'll have cloudy skies. temperatures will be falling right down into the low 40s or so, maybe right around upper 30s, low 40s for midnight. that's not too terribly bad. look how cold it stays. upper 30s to lower 40s. >> it is almost january. >> yes. typically we get a little warmup in january. hope maybe that comes around the corner. thanks, gary. making ends meet never seems to be easy. in the last few years it's been
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tougher for a lot of people. that means lottery sales are up. here's that story. >> reporter: in states across the nation, lottery sales were thriving in 2012. and according to the experts, it has a lot to do with the state of the economy. >> are you going to walk away with it? >> reporter: even when times are tough, lotteries rake in the dough. >> during bad times people want to have hope and dreams and living out the dreams through the lottery. >> reporter: 2012 saw sales nationwide jump 9% over 2011, which was up 7% from 2010. >> we respond by thinking of it as a fun diversion, a fun activity. a fun way to give flight to our imagination about what we might do if we won a million dollars. >> reporter: and states see it as a way to supplement lost tax revenue. >> i won. yes! >> reporter: in california, which has the nation's third highest unemployment rate, lottery sales are up 20%.
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>> the million dollar raffle is back. >> reporter: and rhode island gamblers dump 7% more into lotto tickets in 2012, even as the jobless rate climbed to number two. so why the trend? when we know the odds aren't in our favor? >> you're about 100 times more likely to die from a flesh eating virus. >> reporter: still, no chance of winning if you don't play, and it's that hope that keeps people coming back for more. even though some experts caution against it. >> the best thing to do is hang onto your dollar instead of buying a ticket. >> reporter: most financial advisors will tell you they don't have anything against the lottery per se. they suggest looking as it as a recreational expense, not investment strategy. still ahead, for many heading to the movies it's christmas day tradition. this year there was plenty of competition. which came out on top? we'll tell you next. >> then coming up at 11:00, redskins mania taking over the d.c. area.
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we take you live out to the fans cheering on rg3 and the rest of the team. we'll be right back. 
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a big weekend at the box office was topped by one of the smallest characters. the hobbit took home the highest gains on the weekend, raking in close to $33 million. it beat out the star packed musical les miserables. third place, "django unchained." parental guidance, fourth, and jack reacher was fifth. the year is almost over, and here are the top storyics
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from the world of entertainment. >> reporter: jay-z and beyonce welcoming baby blue ivy only a week into 2012, ending speculation of her not being pregnant. adele had six grammy awards. she's new mother to a baby boy, but refuses to give out his name. jessica simpson announced her pregnancy early. bringing home a baby girl. snoek e gave birth to her own meat ball, in time for mvt to give jersey shore the ax. many celebs gave their marriages a timeout. heidi klum divorced seal. demi moore and ashton kutcher reason officially divorce, but both say they want a break. and tom cruise and katie holmes ended their marriage in june.
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hollywood had its share of happily ever afters. justin timberlake and jessica biel. and brangelina finally ready to tie the knot. and pitt's ex-wife, jennifer aniston announced her engagement. >> the winner of "american idol" is phillip phillips. >> season 12 kicks off in january. the x factor adding new faces. america choosing the winner -- >> tate stevens! >> hollywood's biggest night went silent. the best picture award going to
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the artist, the film alone grabbing five oscars. meryl streep had won the record for the most nominations. she took home an oscar for her portrayal of the iron lady. the descendants took home best picture golden globe awards. >> i'd like to know who the guy was my wife was seeing. >> and the avengers, the top grossing film of the year. 2012 was a tough year for twihards, as twilight star kristin stewart admitting to cheating on robert pattinson with the married director. fans saying goodbye to the series with the fifth and final movie "breaking dawn part two" in november. they won't remain heart broken for long. 50 shades of grey, unleashing a hell fire of kink into modern
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literature. the world said goodbye to andy griffith, phyllis diller, whitney houston, donna summer, and dick clark to name a few. from the sad and into the realm of crazy, plenty of celebrity drama. lindsay lohan still in hot water and might be heading to the slammer again, violating probation by lying to cops and a charge for allegedly hitting a woman. amanda bynes was asked to stay off the road after a series of accidents. randy travis with two duis. and the royals had a year. prince harry showing off crown rules in las vegas and kate
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middleton catching sun with the paparazzi catching it. justin bieber turns off his audience by puking on stage. and gangnam style, the most viewed video on youtube. ♪ gang ma'am style ♪ and honey boo-boo gets her own hit show, even endorsing president obama. >> just the other day honey boo- boo endorsed me. so that's a big relief. >> the celebrity cycle starts over for yet another year, with more hookups, break-ups, marriages and melt downs and kids. the first baby for the royal couple, and a second bundle of joy for


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